MLG ICS 2018, Albany, Schedule

(Please note that this is a draft of the schedule, and so dates and times of presentations may change.)

Sunday, June 17

10:00—11:30 Third World Literary and Cultural Experiments

Ivan Emil Labayne, “Ulos and the Cultural Work of the Communist Party of the Philippines in the Divisive ‘90s”

Derek Gideon, “’A Foreign Ideology’: Cheche, Majimaji and the Transformations of Theory in Dar es Salaam.”

Harlan David Chambers, “For a culture as radical as reality: The legacy of China’s revolutionary cultural experiments”

11:30-12:45 LUNCH

12:45—2:15 Revolutionaries and Counter-Revolutionaries

Grover Furr, “Leon Trotsky’s Collaboration with Germany and Japan”

Kevin Sapere, “On New Rails: Tracking the Revolution through China Mieville’s October”

Ali Behran Ozcelik, “When the Contradictions among the People Are Not Handled Correctly: The Sad Case of Turkey”

2:30—4:00 Marx’s Speeches (Co-chairs, Kim Defazio and Rob Wilkie)

Stephen Tumino, "Subtracting Class from Marx's Speeches on the Commune: Badiou's Farewell to the Working Class"

Amrohini Sahay, "Of Internationalism : Actor-networks of Aporetic Cosmopolitics"

Jennifer Cotter, "The Spectral Silence of Différance, the Speech of Object-Oriented Exploitation" 

Robert Faivre and Julie Torrant, "Marx Speaking at the Hague: Distributive Agency and the Blackout of Class" 

4:15—5:45  Reading Group:  Lenin and the Critique of Economism

Led by Jason Myers, Juan Rodriguez, and Grace Prial

Required Readings:

Recommended Readings:

Monday, June 18

9:00-10:30 Social Reproduction Theory

Kelly Gawel, “Beyond Labor: Care and the Horizon of the Political”

Sean Lovitt “’NO ONE WAY WORKS’: The Home in Diane di Prima’s Revolutionary Letters”

Sarah Brouillette “SRT and the Mass-Market Romance Novel”

10:45-12:15 Reading Group: Lenin/Roy Debate and the National Colonial Question

Led by Kanishka Chowdhury




12:15-1:30 LUNCH

1:30-3:00 Vijay Prashad, from Red Star Over the Third World

3:15-5:15 Roundtable: Revolutionary Art/Design/Politics

Courtney Maloney, Joe Ramsey, Heath Schultz

7:00-9:00 (OFF-CAMPUS Lecture by Vijay Prashad at the JAMES CONNOLLY FORUM: Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St, Troy, NY 12180)

Tuesday, June 19

9:00-10:30  Beyond Red Straw Men: Recovering the Richness and Radicalism of the International Communist Literary Movement

John Maerhofer, “Socialist Realism and the Ideology of Third World Liberation: Liang Bin’s Keep the Red Flag Flying and the Anti-imperialist 'Cultural Army'”

Ali Shehzad Zaidi, “Faiz Ahmed Faiz and the Literature of Imprisonment”

Joseph G. Ramsey, "How Richard Wright Revised his Red Decade:  Critical Reflections on the Drafts of Black Boy/American Hunger”

Modhumita Roy, “The Politics of Forgetting and the Aesthetics of Remembering”

10:45-12:15 Reading Group:  The Feminist Proletariat: Reading Mao and Kollontai in the 21st Century

Led by Melissa Macero, and Ashley Manning

Required Readings:

Recommended Readings:

12:15-1:30 LUNCH

1:30-2:15 Capital in the Early Modern Period

MT Opal, “Metaphorics and Counter-metaphorics in Book V of The Faerie Queene”

2:30-4:00 Ulterior Motives: Game Theory, Methodological Individualism, and Theories of Political Decision

Jasper Bernes, “Towards a Theory of Revolutionary Motive”

Andrew Leong, “Decisionism and the New Fatalism in Japanese ‘Many Worlds’ Media”

Annie McClanahan, “Marxism, Methodological Individualism, and the Theory of Revealed Preference”

4:15-5:45 Genres of Empire

W. Oliver Baker “Dissonances of Dispossession: Narrating Settler Coloniality in the Nineteenth Century"

Alyssa Hunziker ““Gardens, Eco-Imperial Slow Violence, and the Transnational Indigenous Bildungsroman in Leslie Marmon Silko's Gardens in the Dunes."

Mitch R. Murray “The Wretched of N. K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth

Wednesday, June 20

9:00-10:15 Speculative Fiction: Kim Stanley Robinson

Mark Soderstrom,”Urban Universes: Speculative Fiction and the Politics of the City”

Brent Ryan Bellamy, “Systems of Finance, Systems of Climate: Utopia as Code in New York 2140”

10:30-12:30 Asian/American/Marxism: A Roundtable

Iyko Day, Christopher Chen, Paul Nadal, Petrus Liu, Calvin Cheung-Miaw, and Colleen Lye

12:30-1:30 LUNCH

1:30-3:00 Accumulation, Surplus, Crisis

Beverley Best, “Value crisis and value struggle”

Paul Smith, “The current politics of surplus population”

Neil Larsen, “Terminal Crisis in the Era of Fictitious Capital"

3:15-4:30 Radicalism in the 1930s US

Rosemary Hennessey, “The Erotics of Race Work:  From Kollontai to Rukeyser,”

Joe Shapiro, “Spontaneity and Class Political Consciousness in the Early Twentieth-Century U.S.”

4:45-6:00 The Cotton Crisis

Thomas A. Laughlin, “Karl Marx’s Poetics of Overaccumulation“

Rachel Broady “Poor Reporting: Utilising Fredric Jameson’s interpretive horizons to analyse the journalistic response to poverty during the cotton crisis in Manchester 1863.”

Thursday, June 21

9:00-10:30 Dialectics and Politics

Richard Simpson, “Historical Spatialities of the Desire for Socialized Labor”

Carl Grey Martin, “The End(s) of Dialectics”

Tavid Mulder, “Marxism Without Politics?”

10:45-12:15 Reading Group: Ambedkar, The Annihilation of Caste

Led by Henry Schwarz and Meghan Gorman-Darif

Readings: Ambedkar, The Annihilation of Caste

12:15-1:30 LUNCH

1:30-2:15 Marxism, Enclosure, and Anti-Colonial Struggle

Justin Paulson and Julie Tomiak


Tithi Bhattacharaya, TBA

Sue Ferguson, TBA


Gabriel Hetland, “From ‘Another World is Possible’ to ‘There is No Alternative’: The Contradictions of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution”

Pedro Caban, “Puerto Rico: A Colony Without a Purpose”

Alejandra Bronfman, “Radio Wars: Rewriting Cold War History in the Caribbean”

Christine Vassallo-Oby,  “The Governance of Taste: Cruise Ship Mass Tourism in Cozumel, Mexico”

Friday, June 22

9:00-10:30 The Poetics of Gay Militancy

David W. Pritchard, “’Just one of those Lenins’: New Narrative, Text-Metatext, and the Poetics of Subsumption”

A.B. Robinson, “Combined and Uneven Pornography: Imperialism, The Commons and Cultural Revolution in Rob Halpern's Common Place”

Kay Gabriel, “De Te Fabula New Narrative: Satire and Party in Robert Glück”

10:45—12:15 Critical Theory and its Legacies

Rich Daniels, “Auschwitz, Negative Dialectics, and Syria”

Dennis Schäfer, “Habermas meets Lukács, Modernity meets Reification: Politics and the Life World” 

Deborah Young, “Rethinking the ‘Alienation Effect’: the Exigency of Brecht in Capital’s Terminal Crisis”

1:15-2:45 Reading Group: Production and Reproduction: The Apparent Antithesis of the Capitalist Mode of Production.  Fortunati and Kollontai

Led by Natalie Suzelis, Alex Gorman, and Pat Keeton

Required Readings:

Recommended Readings:

3:00-5:00  BUSINESS MEETING (Chair: Kevin Floyd)

6:00-10:00  BBQ