MLG ICS 2018, Albany, Schedule
(Please note that this is a draft of the schedule, and so dates and times of presentations may change.)
Sunday, June 17
10:00—11:30 Third World Literary and Cultural Experiments
Ivan Emil Labayne, “Ulos and the Cultural Work of the Communist Party of the Philippines in the Divisive ‘90s”
Derek Gideon, “’A Foreign Ideology’: Cheche, Majimaji and the Transformations of Theory in Dar es Salaam.”
Harlan David Chambers, “For a culture as radical as reality: The legacy of China’s revolutionary cultural experiments”
11:30-12:45 LUNCH
12:45—2:15 Revolutionaries and Counter-Revolutionaries
Grover Furr, “Leon Trotsky’s Collaboration with Germany and Japan”
Kevin Sapere, “On New Rails: Tracking the Revolution through China Mieville’s October”
Ali Behran Ozcelik, “When the Contradictions among the People Are Not Handled Correctly: The Sad Case of Turkey”
2:30—4:00 Marx’s Speeches (Co-chairs, Kim Defazio and Rob Wilkie)
Stephen Tumino, "Subtracting Class from Marx's Speeches on the Commune: Badiou's Farewell to the Working Class"
Amrohini Sahay, "Of Internationalism : Actor-networks of Aporetic Cosmopolitics"
Jennifer Cotter, "The Spectral Silence of Différance, the Speech of Object-Oriented Exploitation"
Robert Faivre and Julie Torrant, "Marx Speaking at the Hague: Distributive Agency and the Blackout of Class"
4:15—5:45 Reading Group: Lenin and the Critique of Economism
Led by Jason Myers, Juan Rodriguez, and Grace Prial
Required Readings:
Lenin, What Is To Be Done? (Ch. 4)
Recommended Readings:
Alan Shandro, Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony (Ch. 4)
Monday, June 18
9:00-10:30 Social Reproduction Theory
Kelly Gawel, “Beyond Labor: Care and the Horizon of the Political”
Sean Lovitt “’NO ONE WAY WORKS’: The Home in Diane di Prima’s Revolutionary Letters”
Sarah Brouillette “SRT and the Mass-Market Romance Novel”
10:45-12:15 Reading Group: Lenin/Roy Debate and the National Colonial Question
Led by Kanishka Chowdhury
Roy, The Awakening of the East (July 15, 1920)
Roy, Speech in Discussion of the World Economic Crisis and the New Tasks of the Communist International (3rd Congress speech. June 21, 1921 ) Translation by John Riddell
Roy, Speech in Discussion of Eastern Question (3rd Congress speech. July 12, 1921 ) Translation by John Riddell
Roy, Theses on the Eastern Question (3rd Congress speech. July 12, 1921 ) Translation by John Riddell
12:15-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-3:00 Vijay Prashad, from Red Star Over the Third World
3:15-5:15 Roundtable: Revolutionary Art/Design/Politics
Courtney Maloney, Joe Ramsey, Heath Schultz
7:00-9:00 (OFF-CAMPUS Lecture by Vijay Prashad at the JAMES CONNOLLY FORUM: Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St, Troy, NY 12180)
Tuesday, June 19
9:00-10:30 Beyond Red Straw Men: Recovering the Richness and Radicalism of the International Communist Literary Movement
John Maerhofer, “Socialist Realism and the Ideology of Third World Liberation: Liang Bin’s Keep the Red Flag Flying and the Anti-imperialist 'Cultural Army'”
Ali Shehzad Zaidi, “Faiz Ahmed Faiz and the Literature of Imprisonment”
Joseph G. Ramsey, "How Richard Wright Revised his Red Decade: Critical Reflections on the Drafts of Black Boy/American Hunger”
Modhumita Roy, “The Politics of Forgetting and the Aesthetics of Remembering”
10:45-12:15 Reading Group: The Feminist Proletariat: Reading Mao and Kollontai in the 21st Century
Led by Melissa Macero, and Ashley Manning
Required Readings:
Kollontai, "The Social Basis of Women Question"
Recommended Readings:
Marx, The Communist Manifesto
12:15-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-2:15 Capital in the Early Modern Period
MT Opal, “Metaphorics and Counter-metaphorics in Book V of The Faerie Queene”
2:30-4:00 Ulterior Motives: Game Theory, Methodological Individualism, and Theories of Political Decision
Jasper Bernes, “Towards a Theory of Revolutionary Motive”
Andrew Leong, “Decisionism and the New Fatalism in Japanese ‘Many Worlds’ Media”
Annie McClanahan, “Marxism, Methodological Individualism, and the Theory of Revealed Preference”
4:15-5:45 Genres of Empire
W. Oliver Baker “Dissonances of Dispossession: Narrating Settler Coloniality in the Nineteenth Century"
Alyssa Hunziker ““Gardens, Eco-Imperial Slow Violence, and the Transnational Indigenous Bildungsroman in Leslie Marmon Silko's Gardens in the Dunes."
Mitch R. Murray “The Wretched of N. K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth”
Wednesday, June 20
9:00-10:15 Speculative Fiction: Kim Stanley Robinson
Mark Soderstrom,”Urban Universes: Speculative Fiction and the Politics of the City”
Brent Ryan Bellamy, “Systems of Finance, Systems of Climate: Utopia as Code in New York 2140”
10:30-12:30 Asian/American/Marxism: A Roundtable
Iyko Day, Christopher Chen, Paul Nadal, Petrus Liu, Calvin Cheung-Miaw, and Colleen Lye
12:30-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-3:00 Accumulation, Surplus, Crisis
Beverley Best, “Value crisis and value struggle”
Paul Smith, “The current politics of surplus population”
Neil Larsen, “Terminal Crisis in the Era of Fictitious Capital"
3:15-4:30 Radicalism in the 1930s US
Rosemary Hennessey, “The Erotics of Race Work: From Kollontai to Rukeyser,”
Joe Shapiro, “Spontaneity and Class Political Consciousness in the Early Twentieth-Century U.S.”
4:45-6:00 The Cotton Crisis
Thomas A. Laughlin, “Karl Marx’s Poetics of Overaccumulation“
Rachel Broady “Poor Reporting: Utilising Fredric Jameson’s interpretive horizons to analyse the journalistic response to poverty during the cotton crisis in Manchester 1863.”
Thursday, June 21
9:00-10:30 Dialectics and Politics
Richard Simpson, “Historical Spatialities of the Desire for Socialized Labor”
Carl Grey Martin, “The End(s) of Dialectics”
Tavid Mulder, “Marxism Without Politics?”
10:45-12:15 Reading Group: Ambedkar, The Annihilation of Caste
Led by Henry Schwarz and Meghan Gorman-Darif
Readings: Ambedkar, The Annihilation of Caste
12:15-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-2:15 Marxism, Enclosure, and Anti-Colonial Struggle
Justin Paulson and Julie Tomiak
Tithi Bhattacharaya, TBA
Sue Ferguson, TBA
Gabriel Hetland, “From ‘Another World is Possible’ to ‘There is No Alternative’: The Contradictions of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution”
Pedro Caban, “Puerto Rico: A Colony Without a Purpose”
Alejandra Bronfman, “Radio Wars: Rewriting Cold War History in the Caribbean”
Christine Vassallo-Oby, “The Governance of Taste: Cruise Ship Mass Tourism in Cozumel, Mexico”
Friday, June 22
9:00-10:30 The Poetics of Gay Militancy
David W. Pritchard, “’Just one of those Lenins’: New Narrative, Text-Metatext, and the Poetics of Subsumption”
A.B. Robinson, “Combined and Uneven Pornography: Imperialism, The Commons and Cultural Revolution in Rob Halpern's Common Place”
Kay Gabriel, “De Te Fabula New Narrative: Satire and Party in Robert Glück”
10:45—12:15 Critical Theory and its Legacies
Rich Daniels, “Auschwitz, Negative Dialectics, and Syria”
Dennis Schäfer, “Habermas meets Lukács, Modernity meets Reification: Politics and the Life World”
Deborah Young, “Rethinking the ‘Alienation Effect’: the Exigency of Brecht in Capital’s Terminal Crisis”
1:15-2:45 Reading Group: Production and Reproduction: The Apparent Antithesis of the Capitalist Mode of Production. Fortunati and Kollontai
Led by Natalie Suzelis, Alex Gorman, and Pat Keeton
Required Readings:
Kollontai, "The Social Basis of Women Question"
Fortunati, The Arcane of Reproduction, Ch. 1
Recommended Readings:
Chang, "Disposable Domestics"