JUNE 13-17

All events will take place in the Hall of Flags, Houston Hall


8:30-9am: Coffee & Bagels

9am-10:30am: “Racial Capitalism, Anti-colonialism, and Aesthetics” Panel


Martin Aagard Jensen, “Literary Genre and Racial Capitalism”

Eric Vázquez, “Roberto Lovato’s Unforgetting as Historiography of Botched Revolution Transition”

Viola Bao, “Black Experimentalism: The Black Arts Movement and the Cultural Revolution of the 60s”

Benjamin Wilson, “Decolonization as Linguistic Transition: The English Language Novels of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o”

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45-12:15pm: “The Working Dead: Capitalism, Mortality, and their Discontents” Panel

Moderator: Devin William Daniels

James Fitzgerald, “Soul-Starvation and Living Death: The Political Economy of Health in Harding Davis’ Life in the Iron Mills

Justin Allen, “The Power to Make Live: Benjamin Bratton’s ‘Revenge of the Real’ and Marxism after COVID-19”

12:15-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3pm: “sexual difference and Trans Moral Panic” Panel

Moderator: Josue chavez

Amy De’Ath, “Sex and Social Form”

Kay Gabriel, “Trans Moral Panics and the War of Position”

Emma Heaney, “The Race and Class Politics of Cisness in the Twentieth Century”

Max Fox, “sexual difference and Sexual Hegemony”

3-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:45pm: “Marxist dependency theory: dialectics of dependency” Reading Group

Led by tavid mulder, ericka beckman, and pavel andrade


suggested READINgs:

4:45-5pm: Break

5-6:15pm: Michael Denning, “Tax Forms”


8:30-9am: Coffee & Bagels 

9-10:30am: “Ecology, Land, and the Commons” Panel

Moderator: Alex Millen

Ethan Plaue, “By Means Other Than Life: Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Economies of Life”

Elena Gomez, “Networks in Marxist Ecopoetics”

Marcia Klotz, “Future Fictions and Fictional Futures: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Climate Utopianism”

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45am-12:15pm: “Lukács and Aesthetics” Reading Group

Led by Nicholas Brown, Davis Smith-Brecheisen, and Emilio Sauri



12:15-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3pm: “Ambivalence and Subsumption: The Dialectic Doublings of Production and Reproduction” Panel

Moderator: Anna Einarsdottir

Pedro Hurtado, “Narratives of Modernization: Vanishing Mediators in Borges, Carpentier, and García Márquez”

Katryn Evinson, “Is There Such a Thing as a Sense-Producing Strike? A Study on Artstrike – Huelga de arte (2000-01) and the Ambiguity of Artistic Labor”

Carlos Varón González, “The Carcass of the Leopard: Marxism and Real Subsumption after the Spanish Transition”

3-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:45pm: “Periodization, Marxism, Colonialism” Panel

Moderator: Josh Robinson

Oded Nir, “Theorizing the Renewal of Historicity”

Matt Ruben, “Everything and Nothing: Trying to Make Dialectical and Materialist Sense of David Graeber's and David Wengrow's the Dawn of Everything”

Alys Moody, “Hunger in the Decolonial Transition”

4:45-5pm: Break

5-6:15pm: Sophie Lewis, “Antiwork Anthrogenesis:  Gestators Against Capitalist Pregnancy”


8:30-9am: Coffee & Bagels 

9-10:30am: “The Poetics of Transition” Panel

Moderator: Michael Martin Shea

Sayan Bhattacharya, “Temporal Transitions in Bishnu Dey’s 1947 and 1953 ‘Cassandra’ Poems”

Fintan Calpin, “Capital’s Arrhythmia: Contemporary Lyric and the Critical Theory of Society”

Erich Von Klosst-Dohna, “Understanding Not Understanding: Elegy, Trauma, and Politics in Susan Howe’s That This

Tobias Huttner, “The Love Elegy and the Land Question: The Poetics of Transition in June Jordan’s 1970s Poetry”

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45am-12:15pm: “Writing Transition” Panel

Moderator: Oded Nir

Jap-Nanak Makkar, “Singularity and ‘Language’: Coetzee’s Novels of the 1980s”

Thomas Laughlin, “The City in the Age of Revolution: Engels’ Topographoria”

Alya Ansari, “Inverted Realities: Representation and the Value Form”

Liam Kruger, “The World-Class and the Tragicomic: Triomf, Johannesburg, 1994”

12:15-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3pm: “Shifting Black Red Radical Horizons: Charting Transitions on the mid-20th Century African American Left” Panel

Moderator: Joseph G. Ramsey

Joseph G. Ramsey (moderator and panelist), “Beyond Utopian Skylines: Richard Wright and the Contradictions of Oppressed Subjectivity”

Jacob Sloan, “Lutie Johnson, Racist Naturalist? Ann Petry, Realist Novelist: Rereading The Street

Juan J. Rodriguez Barrera, “From the Sublime to the Grotesque: Red Langston Reconsidered”

Konstantina Karageorgos, “The Looking Back Mode; Wright, Baldwin, and the Politics of the Post-Ferguson Conjuncture”

3-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:45pm: “‘Periodization Without Transition’: Reading Transition in Benjamin and Adorno” Reading Group

Led by Matthew Gannon, Ed Graham, and Josh Robinson



4:45-5pm: Break

5-6:15pm: Andrew B. Liu,  “The 'Capitalist Epoch' in the Rest of the World: Asia, History, and Levels of Abstraction”


8:30-9am: Coffee & Bagels

9am-10:30am: “Peripheral Realisms/Modernisms” Panel

Moderator: Jap-Nanak Makkar

Anna Björk Einarsdottir, “Exit Stage Left: Radical Transitions and Cold War Modernism/Realism”

Lenin Lozano, “Realism and Myth: Capitalist Transition in José María Arguedas’ Todas las sangres

Christopher Geary, “Abstraction in Transition: Peripheral Realism in Early Anglo-Irish Fiction”

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45am-12:15pm: “race and capitalism” Reading Group

Led by Sarika Chandra and Leerom Medovoi


12:15-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3:00pm: “The Origins of Capitalist Development: Readings in the Transition Debates” Reading Group

Led by Paul Stasi, Bret Benjamin, Amie Zimmerman, Pooya Jamaly, and Farhana Islam



3:00-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:45pm: “Marx and Transition” Panel

Moderator: Pavel Andrade

Bev Best, “Value and Slavery”

Carlos Velásquez, “Marx’s Utopian Impulse: The Importance of the Negative”

Carl Martin, “Vandana Singh’s Epistemological Break”

Mike Opal, “Trade, Secret: Measure for Measure and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism”

4:45-5:00pm: Break

5:00-6:30pm: “The Long Downturn Reconsidered” Roundtable

Moderated by Devin William Daniels and Michael Martin Shea

Participants: Sarah Brouillette, matthew ellis, Colleen Lye, Emilio Sauri, and Anna Zalokostas


8:30-9am: Coffee & Bagels

9-10:30am: “Deindustrialization, Stagnation, and Aesthetics” Panel

Moderator: Sarah Brouillette

Sean O’Brien, “After Growth: Secular Stagnation and the Work of Genre”

Benjamin Crais, “Time and Metal: Rachel Kushner’s Historical Novel of Deindustrialization”

Melissa Macero, “Putting the Grave in the Graveyard Shift: Proletarian Horror Literature”

Josue Chavez, “Disavowal in Transit”

10:30-10:45am: Break

10:45am-12:15pm: “dialectics of Transition” Panel

Moderator: bret benjamin

Kanishka Chowdhury “Transitions: The State, Abolition, and the Realm of Freedom”

Barbara Foley “Back and Forth Between Liberalism and Fascism: Capitalism and the Dialectics of Transition”

Kamika Bennett (respondent)

Grover Furr, “The Fraud of the ‘Testament of Lenin’” 

12:15-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3pm: “Transition to Fascism” Reading Group

Led by Susan Comfort, Pat Keeton, John Maerhofer, and Anthony O’Brien



3-3:15pm: Break

3:15-4:45pm: “The Organic Crisis and Morbid Symptoms of Capitalism Reflected in Contemporary Culture” Panel

moderator: sean o’brien

Margaret Stevens, “One Happy Island?: COVID, Capitalism, and Aruba in Transition”

Soili Smith, “Aesthetics of Refuge: Hope, Disappointment and fascist transitions in the documentary Fire at SeA”

Jennifer Wager, “Copaganda: Police Brutality, Capitalism, and Gentrification in Newark, NJ”  

Rafael Lubner, “On the Ending of Worlds: Cycles of Racialisation and Instrumentalisation in N.K. Jemison’s Broken Earth trilogy”

4:45-5pm: Break

5-6:15pm: Business meeting

7pm:  BBQ (location TBA)